Friday, August 7, 2009

Busy City : Kuching

A very busy Kuching in July & Aug 09.
Heaps of event happening in Kuching, first is the opening of Sarawak new DUN building, then come all the Raja-raja in Malaysia to Kuching for meeting (reunion?), follows by the well known annual Kuching Festival.

These photos was taken during the DUN opening night, across the river near Sarawak Plaza.
Crowded with people watching all the shiny decorated boats in the river.
The new DUN building is the one just below the signboard (umbrella in shape).

Can you see it? The new DUN....If you still don't know how much it cost, google it and the figure sure surprise you!

Decorated boats...please excuse my photos, those were taken by using my phone :).

Shiny boat....decorated just for tonight.

This is another view of the DUN, from Riverside Majestic Hotel's Carpark.

And the surroundings of the DUN.

This is Merdeka Palace Hotel, located at the heart of Kuching City, just next to the 'Padang Merdeka'. Raja Perlis was staying there during his trip to Kuching.

As expected when he was about to go out for a drink or something, MANY officers getting ready for traffic clearance, people lined up in 2 rows at the hotel lobby & hotel's lifts (2 of them) reserved for him.

Even ambulance is on standby at the roadside near the hotel.

I'm glad that finally all the Raja-raja are back to their palaces. No more alarming noises on the road indicating me to give way to the VVVIPs. That's Kuching in July 09.

Well, Kuching festival has just started last weekend. Have fun & eat more!


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An IguanaKia living in the city named Kuching


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